Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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our deep condolences from 11-09-2001 to 11-09-2014 - To president USA Barrack Obbama

To president USA Barrack Obbama


To the citizens of the United States of America


All received mutilations from the attack of terrorists in THE USA 11 September 2001 year, to their dependents and military veterans USA


We today 14th times furnish to Opening addresses to President USA to and American Nation, as well as all suffered from terrorist’s attacks in THE USA 11 September 2001 year on behalf of Civil International Committee as to the preparation of world climate of opinion to arranging of The first World congress Spiritual Unity in New York.

Only today our Handling is written in circumstances of the endless without responsibility heads one of Great Nuclear State which somehow consider possible do not observe of neither international contracts and to to punish by military methods all - who with them is not agree, but which else a few months ago they were obliged to defend and to maintain. At the citizens of two states of The Eurasia of head go by circle from formed extremely savage and absurd situation, when practically colleagues who rescued each other in Afghanistan, have to today shoot friend in friend (!?). Family tragedies is comprised already dozens 1000s, and dependents as to border both parties aim right away to forget in the following minute everything seen and heard real, as to TV or as to INTERNET. But also this already does not rescue, and really grows disfavour and expropriations between close absolutely lately people.

Newspapers frighten practically very poor population Great by military conflict, and every summary of news begins from information on the shift of military Russian technology as to the Ukraine territory. And already would want about all this war to hear not every minute, and only newspapers occasional to look through, but only «The organizers of absurd» give no to us this possibility and aggravate situation by announcement ofs preventive nuclear strike as to «To any aggressor ». Here is only by aggressor in their interpretation, real, can become any «No-consent men». And this everything it is possible was to experienced analyst to foresee already of 12 September 2001 yr. after attack on America «Zombi’s  international Scoundrels».

It is however, today, just like all these 13 years old in every our handling, we express sincere sympathy and hope which similar no longer is repeated and forces kind will conquer terror, and the produced people of World will find possibility собраться on The first World congress Spiritual Unity in New York, in city which always олицетворял собой The new Light of Democracy and the real freedoms of Man, and after 11 September 2001 г. - and the beginnings of the struggle of Free World against Terror and against geopolitical “without responsibility” (!) amateurish state heads. These heads of the chapter of orthodox churches name today new Kainami, in which entered Bogey Endless PRIDE (Gordyni) annihilating PEOPLE! .

It is however, despite all adversarial facts we tried to transmit citizens Americas our confidence in future of Humanity and our faith in their force and will which constantly multiply forces Kind on Earth.

And today we see on what high spiritual and organizational level managed to citizens Americas to approach to The day of Memory and Victories - to 11 September 2014 year. We by sincerely восхищены great inner work which fulfiled the best people of America (Presidents USA, President's Administration USA, Congress USA, military veterans USA and all active citizens USA) as to the consciousness of all consequences of произошедшей tragedy; As to the necessity consciousness to combat world terrorism; As to upbringing of citizens USA in the best traditions of democratic society which can and must itself defend, and main - must remember and to attend to military veterans, without act of bravery which impossible were б democratic freedoms not only in USA but also in all World. We hope that in Ukraine nobody and never will forget the heroes of struggle for FREE Ukraine, for World without “become lunatic” from “without penalty” scoundrels, to break in leadership (!).

We sincerely greet the concrete practical orientation of all civil initiatives which born at citizens USA recalling the events 11 September 2001 year. And except already traditional for the us of reminder about the expediency of arranging of The first World congress Spiritual Unity in New York, we wish will to bring to your notice on rub concrete initiatives which will help citizens USA to fulfil global goal set before Nation USA its by Presidents.

The first initiative is  connected with deciding энергетической problems. This global for USA of and all World task set before Nation (third purpose) President USA George Bush in 2003 year. For its deciding work the 1000s of scientists. Deciding of this a matter of aim real to activize even military USA translating the part of naval fleet and aircraft on bio-fuel, what will activize the hundreds of research projects and will give the real parsimony of oil products. The but the most perspective way of deciding of энергетической a matter of, as to-finding opinion, is  connected with rebuilding «забытой» by the humanity of the technology of the energy use of our planet. These technological decisions were so widely used on Earth which residues of the basements of these installations can be found on the territories not of only Carpathians and Tatra mountains but also in The Alps, Kazakhstan and Donbass. To us managed 15 and 16 June 2012 year to see in The Alps,  Kazakhstan and Seversk (Donbass) the construction blocs of these ancient installations and else deeper to understand necessity скорейшей the realisation of international project as to rebuilding «забытой» by the humanity of technology. But meanwhile goes preparation to the work onset as to this international project, advisably on legislative level to fix the preservation of all artifacts which can help creation this high-efficiency technology. It is it is impossible to dismantle the basements of ancient technological installations which in studies can prompt explorers the principles of the operation previously of working equipment. This today can be carried out on legislative level.


Second initiative is  connected with the development of entire кластера educational scientifical-practical programs. On the necessity of activizing and the modern alteration of educational process constantly indicates Президент USA Barracks Obbama. One of such programs is the creation of the industrial-financial groups of space security, for employment ensuring in agricultural areas and career-guidance on the hi-tech spheres of employment. Other - the creation of international industrial-financial group as to revival of «Aral sea» and everything Pri-Aral Land (see THE RECOMMENDATIONS of research seminar - of round-table conference carried out from 21 July as to 10 June 2014 yr. In Internet-room).

Third initiative touches the creation of the conditions decreasing of abolitionary activity with reference to The labor of the people of The labor of Nature (see article «TORNADO»). This a matter of sincerely wished and wish to decide all Presidents USA. This approach will seem simple and not very substantiated, but who can tell and to show complex, but efficient decisions? Only technological, by eyelids the mastered simplicity of constructions turns out to be, general, efficient.

       We express sincere hope which all actions which conduct citizens USA connected from 11 September 2014 year in New York will give expected outcomes. What efforts as to the support of democratic processes in Europe will accrue that nation of Ukraine highly will appreciate that support which render him EUROPEAN UNION and America …

We sincerely hope that our deep condolences will hear of all sacrifices 11 September 2001 year, as well as their dependents and military veterans.


With sincere best things by regards,


Chairman of Civil International Committee Intellectual and Spiritual Unity as to the preparation of world climate of opinion to arranging of The first World congress Spiritual Unity in New York, doctor

                                                                                                    Ernesto Garcia


Vice-chairman of Civil International Committee Intellectual and Spiritual Unity as to the preparation of world climate of opinion to arranging of The first World congress Spiritual Unity  in New York, doctor

                                                                                                    Alexander Vasiljev-Muller


11.09.2014 yr.




Категория: Spirituality sources-Knights, Defenders of Work and Belief/Рыцари Духовности, защитники Труда и Веры | Добавил: Vasiljev (2014-09-14) | Автор: Ernesto Garcia&Alexander Vasiljev
Просмотров: 1609 | Теги: NEW YORK, Dr Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, USA, industrial-financial group «Aral se, Dr Valery Vasiljev, Tornado, Dr Ernesto Garcia, 11-09-2001 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
Всего комментариев: 1
1 Vasiljev  
Re: 11-09-2001-2014 Fwd: need something to take seriously
Dear Friend Alexander:I think you are experiencing great suffering because of the War. I've learned through the press that the fighting has stopped and started the exchange of prisoners. I am sorry a lot. I am sorry Your pain....For other side, I will send to President  of USA, Mr Barack Obama, Our letter cause onomastic of 11 of September of 2001.
Best regards 
All Sincerely Your
Ernesto García

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